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This Website – a Sand Mandala

Tibetan monks creating a sand mandala

I have created this web site with all its care just as a Tibetan sand mandala. With all my attention, as centred as possible and while being aware I put a lot of effort into it.


Knowing that this creation underlies the rules of the world, passing the six states as every thing does:

  • gets born
  • comes into existence
  • grows
  • culminates
  • degrades
  • and dies

Why do Tibetan Monks create sand mandalas and desmantle them afterwards? One reason is, they do it to learn to understand that it is not the result that counts, even not the act of creation itself, it is how you do the work. The attitude makes all the difference!


Just as a Tibetan mandala that gets wiped off with only one stroke of a cloth, the website can be made to vanish by striking the delete key.

Tibetan monks in full concentration

The smallest breath of a software update or a tiny shake on the part of the underlying Jimdo system may destroy this website.

Tibetan monks dismantling a sand mandala

While performing a work three defects may occur:

  • You may get lost into the work itself.
  • You may think you are the doer.
  • You may like to reap the fruits of the work.

More about perfect action in daily life:

Eremo – Einsiedelei des Einsiedlers Markus

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Five Swiss Franks Butterfly

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Five Franks Butterfly

Herzlichen Dank!
Thank you very much!
¡Muchas gracias!

Admin für den Eremo

Chorherr Daniel Salzgeber, Hospiz Simplon

Chorherr Daniel Salzgeber

(Ökonom des Hospizes Simplon und Generalökonom seines Ordens) übernimmt seit Juni 2016 die Administration. – Vergelt's Gott.

Nächste Grosse Meditation 2025

Die nächste Grosse Meditation beginnt voraussichtlich im Dezember 2025.

Im scheinbaren Vordergrund steht bis dann das Verarbeiten und Ausleben von Erkenntnisse vergangener Zeiten. Im wahren Vordergrund steht aber mein Lebesziel: das Streben nach und das Vereinen mit dem Absoluten und Ewig-Währenden.


Bruder Markus

Br. Markus
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Estilo de vida